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Knowledge Base (12)

  1. Answer: Environment: Analytics Resolution: When creating custom reports, you can define functions of the data to use in a filter or to display in the output column. This allows users to customize both the...
  2. Answer: Environment: DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), Email authentication Oracle B2C Service Resolution: DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) is an email authentication technologies designed to identify...
  3. Answer: Environment: CCOM, Connect PHP, Connect REST, Connect Web Service for SOAP   Resolution: The 17C Oracle B2C Service release introduced Connect Common Object Model (CCOM) v1.4. CCOM v1.4...
  4. Answer: Environment: Oracle B2C Service, versions August 2017 and newer Issue: Retrieving the Connect Web Services for SOAP WSDL results in the following error: The service was accessed in a non-supported...
  5. Answer: Environment : B2C Service Chat,  Engagement Engine Resolution : Oracle B2C Service offers several types of Chat widgets for a company to deploy. Let’s begin with a brief explanation for each of...
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Documentation (-217)

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